Torino Foto Festival – New Landscapes

Torino Foto Festival
Second edition

Sacro è



Fondazione Merz

Curated by
Giulia Turconi

The exhibition starts from Franco Arminio’s collection of poems, Sacro Minore, to spark a reflection centred on the concept of “sacred”, identified and delved into within its everyday dimension while highlighting the marvel of existence and the poetry that lies in daily life. Through the expressions of a young generation of artists, a selection motivated by the intent to concentrate on something sacred that is contemporary, modern, and rejuvenated, Sacro è seeks to construct a celebration of sacredness, focusing on its intimate and private connotations and advocating for a return to community and humanity, presenting a universal and collective vision.

To enhance the reflection on the exhibition’s themes, the curator recommends the viewing of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s film Teorema, which pursues a ceaseless enquiry into hidden sacredness. As the author theorised, for history to advance, it is essential to keep the sacred close and acknowledge its presence in the essence and depths of everyday life. To ignore it, or attempt to obliterate it, would lead to the nullification of existence.

Tommy Malekoff, Desire Lines, 2019, two channel digital video and sound 15:42 min. Courtesy of the artist